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The Stute

Men’s Basketball begins closing out the year

On Monday, December 4, junior Jack Spellman was declared a MAC Freedom Player of the Week, the third of his career and first of the 2023-2024 season.

Mid-semester delivery crisis

For an excruciating seven weeks, The Stute found itself in the midst of a mid-semester crisis, with our delivery person stepping down from their position unexpectedly.

What’s the point of finals?

Finals season is upon us, that necessary evil aiming to measure a semester’s worth of learning.

Evaluating students’ cumulative knowledge is a difficult and stressful task for both the student and the professor.

A Stevens New Year’s resolution

Would you change anything about your Fall semester if you could go back and relive it again? I think this question helps us reflect on how accomplished we feel about the semester.

Wrapping up 2023

The end of the semester (and year) certainly comes with a range of a lot of different emotions. What I’ve most frequently referenced to people who ask how I’m doing since we’ve come back from Thanksgiving break is a meme that keeps popping up on my Instagram feed lately.

Holiday activities

As the semester comes to a slow and painful close, it may feel impossible to enjoy the holiday atmosphere of Hoboken and New York City.