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Tuition goes contactless

With the world becoming more and more digital, Snevets is adding more ways for students to pay for tuition. Students can now pay for tuition via Apple Pay. “This is a step in the wrong direction,” says the one student with an Android phone.

But this isn’t the only change upsetting students. Beginning April 1, 2024, students will now be charged to go to office hours or the academic tutoring center. Luckily, these can also be paid through Apple Pay for greater “accessibility.” These charges will be levied on a per-question basis. I spoke with a tutor at ACS to get their thoughts on the new fees. “Um akshally, these fees are based on time spent in ACS, not per question.” Well, sue us.

These fees are aimed at reducing congestion in office hours and ACS allowing students to spend less time waiting and more money. These changes are part of a greater series of changes which ultimately aims to transform students into bags of money. Not everyone is upset about these changes, however, as president Narfarvar and other Snevets executives seemed ecstatic about these changes, one of whom allegedly bought a brand new yacht out of pure “excitement.” “This is part of a greater series of changes. Ultimately by next year we plan to make students pay to receive A’s in their classes,” said a Snevetsexecutive. 

Disclaimer: This article is part of The Stupe and is satire.