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Posts published in “Greek Life”

Potential expansion of the CGC

For the cultural Greek organizations at Stevens, the main body that unites them all into a shared identity of being a cultural Greek is the Cultural Greek Council (CGC), which is also sometimes known as the Multicultural Greek Council.

Delta Phi Epsilon hosts Castle Point Cravings

Delta Phi Epsilon held its annual fall philanthropy event, “Castle Point Cravings” on Tuesday, Nov. 14. The purpose of the event was to raise money for Delta Phi Epsilon’s two philanthropies, The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders.

Theta Xi Trivia Night

Theta Xi held a Trivia Night for the first time this year on Thursday, Nov. 2. The event was hosted by the fraternity at their house located at 805 Castle Point Terrace.

Phi Sigma Sigma Hosts Lip Sync

On Sunday, October 22, Phi Sigma Sigma hosted Lip Sync 2017 in DeBaun Auditorium.  Students from inside and outside of Stevens’s Greek community packed DeBaun’s orchestra level to witness a great night of entertainment.

Kappa Sigma brothers receive Scholarship-Leadership awards

In true Stevens fashion, members of Kappa Sigma have shown the drive and success that only Stevens students could display and proven the leadership of the Stevens Greek community as well with ten members being awarded  Scholarship-Leadership awards by their national headquarters.