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Posts published in “Campus News”

American Chemical Society holds Game Night

The American Chemical Society (ACS) held Game Night in Hayden Lounge on Tuesday, Nov. 14 from 7-9 p.m. There were many prizes, including a periodic table pillowcase, beaker mugs, test tube shot cups, and T-shirts.

CSA gets cozy in Babbio Atrium for Hotpot Night

The Chinese Student Association (CSA) hosted ‘Hotpot Night’ on Tuesday, Nov. 14, in Babbio Atrium at 9 p.m. “Hotpot is a very traditional way of having dinner for Chinese people,” explained CSA Treasurer Sophia Hua, “the food takes a while to prepare, so people had to stay around, make new friends, catch up with others—the point of hotpot.”

Alpha Phi Omega Hosts Suicide Prevention Week

Alpha Phi Omega (APO) hosted its National Service Week initiative this week from November 5 to November 12. This year’s theme was “Preventing Suicide on Campus.”

KSA and C2GS team up for PC Bang Night

On Thursday, Nov. 2, the Korean Student Association, KSA, and the Console and Computer Gaming Society, C2GS partnered to host the first “PC Bang Night”.