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Posts published by “Tanishka Kapoor”

Till next time

The days pass by as we rush towards finals week, almost crossing the finish line for this first semester. It’s funny how it seems like just yesterday we all were trying to settle into college.

Home sweet home

The smell of burning wood, the warmth of the fire, the comfort of the soft yellow lights. There is nothing like home.

Bonsee, the bonsai plant

The branch leads up straight into the air and then sharply turns to the right as if it’s deflecting its head from the exposed sun.

Sick away from home

You wake up one morning feeling very nauseous and a weird kind of warm. You feel hot, but you can’t stop shivering.

An unforgettable weekend

“Halloweekend:” the amount of times I’ve seen this word over the past week blows my mind. It was all good until Mark Zuckerberg got tired of the Halloween posts and decided to suspend a bunch of Instagram accounts—mine included.

Reunions and playgrounds

You know the feeling of getting under the warm comforter as you prepare yourself for sleep during winter? The undeniable cozy feeling that keeps you so comfortable that you start thanking the creator of beds and comforters?

Dear Fall…

Dear Fall,

I love you. You are probably my one and only true love. I love how Hoboken suddenly goes from 70 degrees with the sun beating me down to 50 degrees the next day as you make a grand entrance with wind that creates tears of great joy in my eyes. 

First month thoughts

I think we all know that college can be exciting yet overwhelming for many beginners, but what exactly is going through the freshmen minds?

A mirror filled with reflections

I peered into the 13.5” x 49.5” long mirror to notice my slightly-crooked red Target badge placed on the upper left side of my red shirt.