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An unforgettable weekend

“Halloweekend:” the amount of times I’ve seen this word over the past week blows my mind. It was all good until Mark Zuckerberg got tired of the Halloween posts and decided to suspend a bunch of Instagram accounts—mine included. Halloween is, without a doubt, my favorite “holiday” of the year. It’s the time when you just get to dress up as whoever (or whatever) you want without any judgment. Didn’t get the letter into Hogwarts when you turned 11 and proceeded to cry on your birthday? Don’t worry! You can dress up as a Gryffindor student for Halloween and make your dreams come true! Guess what my Halloween costume was?

My first Halloween weekend in Hoboken and at Stevens was one of the most memorable times of my life. All of my friends started early by gathering together and dressing up on Friday night to go out and enjoy ourselves. I bought a FujiFilm disposable camera the day before to capture the best moments and make sure we all have them saved so that we can look back and reminisce as we progress through college. Everyone went all out in their costumes while I stood there with a red skirt, a white button-down t-shirt, and a red and yellow tie. Oh, I also can’t forget the stick I picked up from the ground and called my wand. Once we got out from the sweaty dancing and crammed rooms into the fresh air, we all went down to Mcdonald’s to enjoy some nice, very unhealthy, treats. The night ended with laughter, dancing, and a load of happy memories. 

The next day, we went to a cat cafe in Brooklyn. Not the most Halloween thing, but it was the cutest experience I had. Also kind of scary because one of the cats bit me. Was I mesmerized by the fluffiness of that cat and wouldn’t stop touching it? Yes, I was. Maybe that cat had a valid reason. Regardless, I enjoyed hanging out with friends and watching them talk in a sweet voice specially made for babies and pets. After leaving the cat cafe, we went out to a park area that overlooked the city and appreciated the golden hour. Then, my friends pulled out two bed sheets and sunglasses and we started having a DIY ghost photoshoot. Very spooky indeed. 

On Sunday, I crammed to finish all the work I had procrastinated on. This included my midterm. I wrote two essays in the span of 5 hours and did my Microeconomics homework. Then, I went to a pottery class and made spooky plates and cups. The weekend was very busy, but I learned that every second was worth it because of the memories I made with my friends. Did I panic a bit on Sunday as I rapidly typed away about things I barely understood? Maybe. But do I regret doing the things I did over the weekend? Absolutely not. I call that a win. 

Now as I wait for my film photos to develop and continue to catch up on work, I am eager for the inevitable start of Christmas songs. For the people who say that you need to delay till Thanksgiving to start playing Christmas music, I disagree. Once November starts, so do the winter vibes, and I cannot wait to create more memories at Stevens. 

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