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Till next time

The days pass by as we rush towards finals week, almost crossing the finish line for this first semester. It’s funny how it seems like just yesterday we all were trying to settle into college. Now, our residence halls have become like our second homes. 

The year began with what I would describe as a scramble for acceptance. In an arid land devoid of a proper support system, we wanted to feel a sense of belonging. After all, this was going to be the place we would spend the majority of our time existing. We also went through the act of accepting. As we met new people, each with their unique stories, we learned to accept their presence and friendship. I always like to say, “you never know who you are going to meet and what they will teach you,” and college has proven that to be true. Each person here has broadened my perspective so much that I have grown to value people a lot. 

I think probably the toughest part of acceptance was coming to terms with the fact that we are growing and moving on as we took a huge step towards independence. For some, college is just what they had desired. A break from home, no regulations, and the ability to live on your own terms. For others, it started with a surge of homesickness and difficulties in adjusting to this new environment. Regardless of the type of person, we all have at some point felt the lack of comfort and warmth, which can only be found in what we call our home by the people that we feel a sense of belonging with. 

By the time we felt like we had relatively settled in, midterms rolled around. It was not only the first real test of our academic abilities, but it also was a trial of how well we managed our schedule. With so many options for activities and things to do, midterms asked us the question, “Will you prioritize me?” Of course, we need to remember that at the end of the day, college is here to provide an education and an experience. For some, midterms were not the most challenging, while for others they really tested students’ mental strength and discipline. 

As midterms ended and time led us into November, I feel like we entered the calmest part of the first semester: a change into cooler weather, earlier nights, and a scent of festivities. November marked the time when we understood what it meant to be at college and realized our strengths and weaknesses. We took a breath of fresh air as we progressed towards Thanksgiving with feelings of gratitude. 

They say before every good thing comes challenges. On the brink of our first semester, we will be challenged once again with finals. After that, however, we break free into winter break, which I hope will be filled with joyous moments and happy memories. 

As we approach the completion of many of our college firsts, I would like to end this last piece by telling you that you should be proud of yourselves. The first semester at college is probably one of the toughest adjustments, and you made it! Whether you stumbled across this finish line or briskly ran through it, you should be proud of your accomplishments and hardships. 

So, until next time, I wish everyone happy holidays and the best of luck for this last step.

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