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Dear Fall…

Dear Fall,

I love you. You are probably my one and only true love. I love how Hoboken suddenly goes from 70 degrees with the sun beating me down to 50 degrees the next day as you make a grand entrance with wind that creates tears of great joy in my eyes. 

You remind me that there can be a new start to everything. You remind me that it is okay to let go of the past instead of having it weigh me down constantly. The leaves symbolize your presence, and I love seeing the way they slowly change from green to orange-brown to dark red, until they finally break free and sway their way to the ground. Every step I take on the lawn between buildings reminds me of your presence. The light crunch under my feet, the chill of the wind, the slow fading of the insects that bothered me during the summer…it all reminds me of you. You show me the beauty in change and new beginnings.

You represent all shades of orange, brown, red. You bring so many things to so many people: a spooky festival filled with candies and surprises for Halloween enthusiasts, constant orders of Pumpkin Spice Lattes for the Starbucks workers, and the rings of laughter for the families that come together for one special night in a special season. Great things happen when you are around, which is why I love you so much. 

But tell me, how do you do it, Fall? How do you release everything so easily knowing for sure that there is a beautiful experience after you let go? How do you come to terms with the slow approach towards the season of brutal coldness? How can you be so confident that those leaves will come back again? That there would be beautiful greenery again? That there would be a season filled with the best festivals and joyful events? How can you be so fearless and carefree? 

Teach me, Fall. I want to learn. I have made so many new friends and learned so many things since I came to college. But for some reason, I can’t let go of the past. I have always been accustomed to change, but college seems to be a whole other adjustment.  How do I start new? Everyone says that you could be whoever you want in college because you get a fresh start. But who exactly am I? What does that even mean? In my first month here, I learned that college teaches you about who you are. What it means to be surrounded by your friends, but alone at the same time. It shows you your capabilities to live by yourself. Can I be fearless and carefree? Like you, I want the confidence that there is beauty after letting go. That it is okay to let go of the past and trust others and open up to them. That it is okay to open up to change. I’ve learned a lot from you, and I want to learn more as I embrace your presence through the cool wind on a sunny day. You have taught me so many lessons, Fall.

You taught me that in order to restart, it is necessary to move on. And I love you for that. 

Thanks for everything,


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