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Reunions and playgrounds

You know the feeling of getting under the warm comforter as you prepare yourself for sleep during winter? The undeniable cozy feeling that keeps you so comfortable that you start thanking the creator of beds and comforters? As if this combination of the cool temperature, warm comforter, and soft mattress is the best thing that the universe has ever created? That’s what it felt like when I ran across the pier up to my high school bestie and pulled her into a warm embrace. 

Seeing her brought up so many memories and reminded me of that comfort of home I craved to feel ever since I came to college. As we walked against the cool breeze of fall, we talked about our recent new lives: How has college been? How have you been? How is that person you CAN NOT stop talking about? You haven’t gotten your heartbroken yet, have you? No dumb decision? (The answer to that last question was a sly smile and a guilty look that told me all I needed to know). Before we knew it, we were both ranting about anything and everything that had happened within the past month. As we explored the very modern-looking playground at Pier C, we laughed, took pictures, and reminisced. The playground was like her home since she naturally seemed to fit in with the children who slid down the tunneled slide. The playground brings out this sense of innocence in her, which I can’t help but share whenever I see her stumbling across the intricate ropes course in the park.

Even as I sat in Elysian Park at the end of Castle Point Terr (where the frat houses are) and enjoyed my Bagelcado from Bagels on the Hudson, I couldn’t help but smile as I looked at the little children chasing each other, with the only thing worrying them was not getting caught by “It.” As the leaves gently swayed down with the cool breeze, I gently laughed with admiration while watching a man in what seemed to be his late 30s, picking up and swinging children in a circle as they crowded around him with their arms in the air, eager for their turn. It reminded me of the meetup spot me and my friends had when we were younger. This is where all the tea was spilled, the best monkey bar-er was determined, and where the most competitive game of Ice Tag was played. For me, playgrounds symbolized rings of laughter, carefree moments, and happy memories. 

That’s also how the reunion made me feel. This past week, when I saw two of my high school friends, I was reminded of the innocent, carefree memories of early high school. As adulthood dawns on me now, I think back to those memories and appreciate the little things. For example, as a child, just knowing that my mom was working from home would lead me to sprint up the stairs to our apartment and launch myself in her arms as she opened the door. Or the sheer joy of playing Just Dance and absolutely demolishing all of my friends. I think that sometimes college life can be a bit daunting, but knowing that there are people that bring out that innocence and fond memories are enough to keep us going.

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