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Posts published in “News”

ESC Unity

On Wednesday, April 19 the Ethnic Student Council, in unison with 7 of Stevens’ ethnic clubs — Black Students Union, Chinese Student Association, FAST, Indian Undergraduate Association, Korean Students Association, Latin American Association, and Stevens Irish Association kicked of their annual “Unity” week with their Unity Carnival.

Stevens Take[s] Back the Night

A Non-Profit Organization aimed at ending all forms of domestic, sexual, and relationship Take Back the Night is an international event that tackles the aforementioned issues in their truly genderless, oppressive, and omnipresent form.

Dozens killed in Syrian chemical attack

On Tuesday, April 4, the Syrian government was accused of carrying out a chemical attack on an area held by rebel groups.


On Wednesday April 5, StevensTHON hosted a spelling bee which raised $740 for the Children’s Miracle Network. Each of the 22 competitors represented various clubs and organizations on campus, such as Alpha Phi Omega, Habitat for Humanity, and the track team.