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Posts published in “News”

ESC Thanksgiving

The Ethnic Student Council (ESC) hosted their yearly Thanksgiving event on Wednesday, Nov. 15. ESC is an organization made up of nine cultural clubs which are all Registered Student Organizations (RSOs).

KSA hosts Kimbap Night

On Wednesday, Nov. 8, the Korean Student Association, KSA, hosted “Kimbap Night” in Hayden Lounge. Kimbap is a Korean dish, containing ingredients such as beef, ham, imitation crab meat, egg strips, carrots, or spinach.

Theta Xi Trivia Night

Theta Xi held a Trivia Night for the first time this year on Thursday, Nov. 2. The event was hosted by the fraternity at their house located at 805 Castle Point Terrace.

Gear and Triangle hosts Emerging Leaders Retreat

On Saturday, Nov. 4, Gear and Triangle (G&T), Order of Omega, and the Student Government Association (SGA) hosted its Emerging Leaders Retreat at Fairview Lake YMCA in Newton, NJ.

Celebrating the Veterans of Stevens

Today as the Stevens community and the rest of the United States pays homage to our military veterans, there exists another opportunity to highlight the efforts of the Stevens Veteran’s Affairs Office.

Math recitations reform is on the way

The Academic and Curriculum Advancement Committee of the Student Government Association (SGA) is working to improve recitation classes in undergraduate mathematics courses.