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Posts published by “Off Center”

Off the Press is Stevens' premier news source for literally everything. With over 35,000 articles, 12 Pulitzer Prizes. and 26 Kids' Choice Awards under our belt, we are more than capable of reporting on any story with grace, style, and good looks. You can rest assured that everything we report on is 100% the absolute truth, and cannot be refuted by any being alive today. Stop by our offices any time in the Secret Basement of Howe, and tell the ominous-looking door the secret code word "News" to get a free tote bag!

“Be Tommy Daly”

Off Center responds to a recent stream of letters to the editor.

Local Stone Missing from Gatehouse Deconstruction

It is a sad week on campus as the Gatehouse, the last vestige of the great Castle Stevens that once ruled the local countryside with an iron fist, has been taken down for repairs.

Farvardin Accidentally Signs the School Away to Ukrainian Hacker

A recent cyber attack has left the school defenseless, as a malicious phishing scam inexplicably infected hundreds of student e-mail accounts despite the fact that the school literally teaches classes to prevent this sort of thing from happening.

In Defense of Wasps

“Save the whales!” “Save the pandas!” “Save the bees!” All are phrases commonly heard amongst so-called animal activists. One never sees this same cry of sympathy for some of America’s most valuable and beloved insects — wasps.

Newest Stevens Tax Returns Revealed

Outrage has broken out on the Stevens campus after a recent hard-hitting piece of journalism shattered daily life with the release of Stevens’ expenses.

Snevets Cancels All Leased Housing

In an effort to keep students of Snevets Institute of Technology continuously innovating in their academic and personal lives, an initiative has been set in motion to cancel all leased housing.

Stevens Student Blown Away by Howe Wind

Last week, an unnamed Stevens student was literally blown away by the hurricane-force winds that are always present in front of the Howe Center.

Honor Board to Implement Duels As Form of Punishment

The Stevens Honor Board, comprised of the most honorable people in the school, has decided to change the penalty for breaking the Honor Code to a duel with pistols at dawn.