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Posts published by “Jordyn Ramelli”

Business and Technology senior with a Literature minor, Business Manager at The Stute, cat lover, Scorpio

Discrimination in the K-Pop Industry

Over the last few years, K-pop (Korean pop) has become a global phenomenon that is enjoyed and adored by many (including me).

Thanks a lot, Elizabeth Holmes

Over spring break, my friends and I (personal shoutout to Sofie, Delia, and Serena) became absolutely infatuated with the new Hulu series, “The Drop Out.”

What you need to know about sex trafficking

Disclaimer: although this opinion column is titled “Girl Talk,” sex trafficking can and does affect all people regardless of gender identity. 

Girl bosses in the music industry

Happy March and Women’s History Month, everyone! While I was taking a walk through Hoboken and enjoying the semi-warm weather, I was listening to my “Feminist” playlist on Spotify.

Will I feel like I’m a teenage girl forever?

I am 21. This feels crazy to write because at this very moment I still feel like I’m 15. When I was 15, a lot of exciting things happened in my life.

Dance Moms: What happened to my favorite show?

I grew up watching Dance Moms. After long days at school, my sister and I would intently watch our television, waiting for an episode or two of Dance Moms to air on Lifetime.