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Posts published by “Jordyn Ramelli”

Business and Technology senior with a Literature minor, Business Manager at The Stute, cat lover, Scorpio

The beauties of being a woman

Disclaimer: This column includes the opinions of mine and women that are important in my life. What they state applies to anyone, regardless of gender. 

For the love of reading

There is something so special about books. Their capability to take you into another universe, captivated by an intricate story unfolding at your fingertips, is truly magical.

The inspiring women of the trades

When brainstorming for a topic this week, I turned to my family for help. My dad, being an electrician for the Local Union No.

My Greek life journey

As I begin my last semester at Stevens (as an undergraduate student at least), I have started to reflect on my journey throughout college and throughout life.

The forgotten Hanukkah story of Judith

Countdown to Hanukkah: 17 days! Celebrating the festival of lights surrounded by my family and friends is something I look forward to every year.

Costumes, clothing, and consent

Disclaimer: Although this opinion column is titled Girl Talk, sexual assault can affect anyone of any gender.

Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday.

Torch’s Halloween potluck

On October 31, 2022, Torch is holding a Halloween costume potluck dinner. The event will take place in Morton 105 from 7 p.m.

The femininity of cats

I am sitting at my desk typing on my computer, acquainted by my lovely (but crazy) kitten, Kiwi. She is tirelessly trying to run across my keyboard, which almost always adds random characters to whatever document I am working on.

Alpha Phi’s Red Dress Brunch

On September 17, 2022, the Alpha Phi sorority held their annual Red Dress Brunch to raise money for their philanthropy, the Alpha Phi Foundation.