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The beauties of being a woman

Disclaimer: This column includes the opinions of mine and women that are important in my life. What they state applies to anyone, regardless of gender. 

Well, this is my final column for the Stute (I could literally cry reading that). I started writing this column two years ago, so nervous and unsure where it would take me. I was afraid to share my thoughts, continuously asking myself “Who is interested in what I have to say?” Over time, I became comfortable expressing myself and I quickly developed a passion for opinion writing. I owe so much to this lovely column, this amazing organization, and everything I have learned along the way. I grew up a bit while writing Girl Talk, and I am honored I got to spend time as the writer of this column. For my last piece, I asked myself and the closest women in my life: “What are the beauties of being a woman?” 

To me, the best part about being a woman is female relationships. I recently came across a quote that sums my feelings up perfectly: “Women’s friendships are like a renewable source of power.” Whenever I need a pick-me-up, laugh, support, or a shoulder to cry on, I know I can rely on the female relationships in my life. They continuously lift me up when I am down, and I am so extremely grateful for that. I cherish our time together, whether that be exploring New York City together, driving through our small town blasting our favorite childhood songs, cooking each other sweet treats, playing board games while drinking tea, and so much more. My time spent with family and friends will forever be my favorite. 

I saw a TikTok yesterday that stated women didn’t have passions or hobbies, and I found that to be such a funny statement. One of the things I love about women is our endless ambition, passion, and drive for what we love. All of the women in my life have something so special that they are passionate about, and I love to hear them talk endlessly about what makes them shine. The women in my life are the most hard-working and dedicated people I have ever met. For me, I am passionate about books, writing, cats, Studio Ghibli films, friendships, walks by the pier, softball, and always bettering myself. 

I want to end my time writing for Girl Talk with my favorite people in the world, telling me what they love about being a woman. The following are people who I hold dearly to my heart, sharing their thoughts with me. 

Jennifer Ramelli: Endless opportunities for women

Jamie Ramelli: Getting a degree in a male-dominated field #emergencymanagementslay 

Linda Novell: Becoming a mother and grandmother 

Suzanne Carbone: Makeup is our jam!

Katie McIntire: Singing Taylor Swift in the car with the windows down 

Olivia Szajdecki: Getting ready together before going out 

Ava Matino: Finding beauty in the simple things, like enjoying a cup of tea or watching the ocean on a summer night

Delia Setola: Doing thoughtful things for your besties

Wiki Jurgowska: Dancing in the kitchen alone while baking 

Serena Platt: The natural empathy we have for others

Sofie Katsikiotis: Giggling with the girlies 

Pooja Rajadurai: Knowing I have a legacy of strong women who inspire me and future women to inspire

Emily Giuca: Our collective camaraderie and generosity with tampons

Nikki Farber: Sleepovers and telling each other everything

Kyra Hill: Sharing clothes, makeup, accessories,

Lexi Cendan: How we can bond over universal female experiences

Kayla Fittipaldi: How girls always pitch in when another girl needs help, even if they don’t know her

Jaya Patten: Oversharing

Tessa Kravchenko: Being able to share emotions and listen to each others’ experiences

With that, I wrap up my final column and my time with The Stute. I wouldn’t trade these last two years for anything — thank you so much for reading my work! 

With love,

Jordyn Ramelli