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The Stute

Kay Sage

In this week’s Artist Spotlight, I’ll be covering Katherine Sage, an American surrealist artist who experienced success in the 20th century with her unique approach to surrealist paintings.

What can I do if I’m feeling guilty about my environmental impact?


It’s really common to feel a little stressed about the impact your purchases and lifestyle have on the environment. Most of us want to minimize our negative impact on the world by purchasing and living in ways that will leave the smallest carbon footprint.

The Dorms: Palmer, Jacobus, Hayden, Humphreys, Davis, Castle Point Hall, and Jonas

For most students here at Stevens, one of the significant differences compared to pre-college life is living in dorms. Whether it be sharing a triple in Castle Point Hall, a suite in River Terrace, or a single in Palmer, the dorms of Stevens play an intricate part in the identity of the school.

[Trying to] be sustainable as a college student

Being a college student can make it difficult to lead a waste-free life for many different reasons. I always try to live environmentally cautiously, but it can be difficult at times.

Throwback to when I was a senior

I would like to start this article with a special thank you and shout out to mother nature and climate change for the warmth of the sun rays, the soft pink petals of the trees, and the removal of the seasonal depression.

Merck furthers immunology buildup

On April 16, pharmaceutical company Merck announced its intentions to acquire a clinical-stage biotechnology company, Prometheus, for $200 per share in cash.

The Pit

Student Orgs, for the last two semesters, have been dealing with the small lockers in the UCC to keep items to run their club.

The app sampler, pt. III: Now onto the main course!

This past Saturday marked the deadline to accept and decline offers from Ph.D. programs, which made for a very exciting and stressful day for myself, as well as several others in my shoes.