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Unconventional ways to have fun

Many people are not content with their lives because they want to have new ways to have fun. As the idea of fun becomes normal in American society, it becomes repetitive and boring to the point that what was originally seen as fun just becomes normal, dull, and boring. Did you know that watching paint dry was once a popular pastime long ago, or just sitting still and doing nothing provided joy to many people who participated in it back in the Stone Age? Unfortunately, the idea of having fun by playing video games, going to parties, or just being with friends tends to now become very, very boring, and people want more exciting ways to have fun.

One of the most new ways to have fun is by riding a bike. But not just by riding a bike the normal, boring, dull, and any other adjective to describe discontent by repetitiveness and blandness way by sitting on top of your double-tired vehicle while accompanied by the handle and pedals. No, here is a totally different way to ride your bike. Instead of riding your bike by sitting on a bike, instead, you ride on an elephant, on top of a steamboat, on top of a rocket, on top of a mountain, on top of the Sahara Desert, on top of the Earth, on top of the entire universe on top of your bike. Doesn’t that sound amazing?

Another way to have fun is by cooking. And here’s a new recipe that everyone should cook to make cooking more enjoyable. Cook a breadcrumb inside a blueberry inside a grape inside an olive inside a strawberry inside an orange inside a radish inside an apple inside a burger inside a burrito inside a soup inside a pizza inside a pie inside a turkey inside the biggest, most delicious thing you can ever think of! And after that is the end result! A dish that cannot be described as so yummy, for it is too limiting, but can only be described as so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so yummy that you’ll never want to eat anything else ever again! 

The final way to have fun is the most complex thing ever. It is so complex that… that… (dang it, I can’t think of a good joke; that is how complex it is). This is so fun that it is dangerous.  Only the most trained professionals who are willing to give up everything to try out this method of fun can do it. Did you know how many people were shocked when they learned about this method of having fun? I would have to say exactly nine hundred ninety-nine zillion, nine hundred ninety-nine trillion, nine hundred ninety-nine billion, nine hundred ninety-nine million, nine hundred ninety-nine thousand, and nine hundred and ninety-nine. People were so shocked when they learned about this method of fun that their bodies were used as electrical outlets to charge devices such as phones and laptops. So are you ready to ready to listen to how to have fun? Here it is…………………………..

Sike! There’s no complex way to have fun! You should have fun however you want!