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The Stute

Why romantic love is overrated

Valentine’s Day is upon us. As a select number of extremely vocal singles post on their Facebook walls their hatred of the holiday for reasons ranging from its extremely commercialized nature to the in-your-face public displays of affection by all our proudly non-single friends.

What Valentine’s Day is really about

Lots of folks claim the pejorative that Valentine’s day is a sham. The go-to reason is that it’s a ploy by Hallmark to get people to buy cards in bulk, and that it’s a plot by the capitalist regime.

EU determines links on the Internet are legal

The headline reads like something from The Onion. The European Union Court of Justice finally ruled that hyperlinks on the Internet are legal.

DeBaun presents “The Hamlet Project”

Last weekend, the DeBaun Center for Performing Arts presented The Hamlet Project, a one of a kind workshop production directed by Dr.