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Get off your butt

Have you ever had the feeling that you didn’t want to do something because you knew in the end it didn’t really matter? Have you wanted to go out for a drink with your friends instead of going to your 6:00 p.m. Asian Literature class because you knew you could still get by with a C? How about that time you played an extra two hours of FIFA because you did not want to do that optional problem set? Perhaps you hold a position in a club that has almost no significance in the overall operation and instead decide to blow off every meeting from now until May. If you have had any feelings like this, congratulations, you have “Senioritis.”

Senioritis can hit you at any time. Some people experience it during their Senior year, when it may seem appropriate. Others know this sensation as soon as their second year. It strikes when you receive that job offer from Exxon-Mobil for $105,000 with a $10,000 signing bonus. You come down with Senioritis once your schedule consists of a video art class, introduction to American film, macroeconomics, beginner’s yoga, and calculus 1 because you wanted that A- to turn into an A.

Senioritis has different symptoms. Skipping class is a large sign of this ailment. Another common trait that people who suffer from Senioritis have is excessive drinking (although I know there are plenty of people that somehow function on a high level while still going out almost every other night). However, I believe the biggest symptom is apathy towards almost everything. This sense of apathy can be very dangerous. Being apathetic can be the start of a downward spiral. At first, you skip that class that doesn’t really matter. Next, you forego that group meeting for Senior Design and instead decide to spend the rest of your day at Biergarten. Sooner or later you may find yourself in the office with the powers that be, those people telling you that you don’t have enough credits to graduate. As much as you may want to go out, don’t let yourself fall into this trap.

Apathy, in the guise of Senioritis, can become chronic. She is the mistress veiled as a fun night out only to bear the children of failure and depression. Being apathetic can lead well into your professional careers. The lack of passion or emotion for your work will show and others around you will not want to be around you. It can be especially dangerous if you plan to become a parent. Your offspring will go to drastic measures just for you to notice them in the morning.

Alas, do not fret if you find yourself in this situation. There are ways to combat against the beast of your final year. Keep your eyes on the prize. Don’t forget about the end goal. You are most likely in your last year or two of college, and you will never get a chance like this again. Take advantage of what is around you and challenge yourself. If having Senioritis is easy, challenging yourself is what is right.

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