Almost every day, the media reports some alleged breakthrough stemming from research on cancer, leading many people to believe that science is winning the war against this dread disease.
The Stute
Once upon a time, I wrote a column called “Apolitically Correct,” and once the debates were over as to who would lead this country, I had a special country that I loved following: North Korea.
Fizzy punch, sparkling red and blue glasses, and a suave dealer dressed in a crisp button down and classic black slacks.
When you were a small child in (insert hometown here), did you ever think of what you wanted to be when you grew up?
By Drew Malzahn
This past Monday, self-described ‘sonic artist’ Marco Donnarumma demonstrated a new kind of musical instrument for the Stevens Visual Art and Technology Program, which he calls the ‘Xth Sense’.
On Monday, the company formerly known as Hewlett-Packard announced to investors that they will be splitting the company into two separate entities with different goals.
Every year or two, we would inevitably start hearing about announcements for the next Triple A shooter titles for console and PC.
There are some things that I really miss about home. Sometimes I miss cooking food, and my dog, and my mom.
During the fall semester, the Stevens Gear and Triangle Honor Society hosts its annual Ethics Bowl. This past Wednesday, teams of up to four members were pitted against one another for debates on topics that ranged from the media coverage of mass shootings to parental responsibility towards disabled adults.
Off Center gave their first performance of the semester with “Pancakes Without the President”. The sketch show consisted of several skits written by Off Center members and took place on October 3 and 4 in Babbio 112.