Based on the popular novel, Ridley Scott’s film adaptation of The Martian is grounded, funny, visually stunning, and brilliantly acted. The film’s setting invokes curiosity, and its box office numbers prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that Americans are enamored with space travel.
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Apple started off the month on a good note with El Capitan (OS X 10.11), the successor to Yosemite, after months of successful and positive beta feedback.
I can say that this week has certainly been an eventful one. Between classes, midterm prep, and R.A.G.E. week, I have a lot to write about.
I have stirred up a bit of drama in the past few weeks, and I think I may have surprised a good number of people with my negative attitude.
Okay I admit it: I’m one of those crazy people who starts thinking about upcoming holidays months in advance. I mean, Christmas is only three months away, right?
Student Life has been having a bad time, and when Student Life has a bad time, campus organizations have a bad time.
On the second floor of Morton, in the corner across from the Richardson Room, is a bookshelf containing a myriad of texts, available to all students under one simple rule: take a book, leave a book.
I just attended a meeting of scholars, journalists, activists and others on polarization in politics and science. I was asked to kick off a discussion of “what is settled and what is contested” in the climate-change debate.
R.A.G.E. is done. Arguably, R.A.G.E. has been finished since the one-two punch “database malfunction” last Thursday. For those reading who don’t know what R.A.G.E.