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The Beginning of the End

You know that feeling when you’re reading a book and you finally arrive at the last chapter?
Yeah, that’s about how I feel right now.
I mean, the “climax” of my story is yet to come – I’m still hunting for a job, but I’ve passed the FE, and my Senior Design Project is chugging along as well as it can. Even so, I can feel the end of the book in my fingertips, and I can practically count the amount of pages left.
Even though I am 100% eager to finish this book, I find myself wishing for just another chapter. Just one. There are still a few pieces of unfinished business – plot points that haven’t been covered, arcs that aren’t wholly closed. But I guess that’s life.
In the mean time, I can’t just close the book and be like “yup, close enough, I’m done!” (even though I totally stopped paying attention to the words last chapter) but I still have to go through the motion of reading, just to say I’ve read it.
Ugh. This is Senioritis. This is the beginning of the end. I can’t wait, and I can’t stop. I would love to continue this journey of college, but I also can’t wait to just get on with my life and start doing something real.
I’d love to be totally happy with everything right now, but, if you’ve read my columns at all last year, you’ll know that if I were, I’d be lying my teeth off. There’s so much screwy with this school that even in the two weeks I’ve been in Hoboken, the bureaucracy of the Howe Center has already pissed me off twice. It really makes me wonder who is behind it all, what person or group of people – everyone I meet seems to roll their eyes at the nonsense of budgets not being completed and repairs not happening. But you know what? In a few months it won’t be my problem.
Once I get a job, once I finish Senior Design, and once CPAC runs to completion: I will be free.
This impending liberation is exciting and anxiety inducing. Hopefully all goes according to plan.