On Wednesday, the Stevens chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) closed out the semester with their annual gingerbread house building event.
The Stute
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmaaas, everywhere you go!
I can only assume that you all have your Christmas lists filled with my recommendations from the last few months…if not, hurry!
In the past 14 issues I’ve discussed a host of topics: from embracing change and achieving goals to the state of the student government and death on campus.
Apple has recently announced that their programming language for Apple devices, Swift, is now open source.
Alongside the open source release, Apple unveiled Swift.org.
On Sunday, November 29, the Senate approved the incoming SGA Presidential Cabinet members. Matt Hunt and Jessica Smith have chosen Jacob Vanderbilt for the position of Treasurer, Amy DiGeralamo for the position of Secretary, and Thomas Daly for the position of Chairman on the Committee of Student Interests (CCSI).
I am not in a festive mood. After Hoboken’s Thanksgiving water main break, I am rather grumpy. Before the water main break, I was wondering what to write about for this week, and I found my answer when looking at a piece of trash on the ground.
Alpine Labs launched a Kickstarter campaign for Pulse, with the subtitle “Your Camera, Upgraded.” Though Pulse is a popular name for a product, it is quite different than the device by Titan Reality that was addressed in last week’s issue.
I watched a conversation recently between journalist Robert Wright and physicist Lawrence Krauss on “the origins of the universe, quantum weirdness and the limits of scientific knowledge,” according to an announcement from event host Union Theological Seminary.
A few years ago, I knew an incredibly talented girl. She was considered a “golden girl” by many, and rightfully so: She was sharp, athletic, very popular and mostly very friendly.