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The Stute

Holiday happiness on a budget

As December continues to roll on by, out comes the holiday decorations, winter jackets, and textbooks. Yes, you read that right, textbooks.

Race After Technology: The ghost in the machine is white

Bias is infused into the modern currency that drives daily and institutional structures: technology. As we pass off machine learning and AI as objective systems, the developers behind everything from phone apps to complex predictive algorithms carry biases that exist within our society.

The Stute wrapped

As we wrap up the semester with The Stute’s 121st volume, I am excited to reflect on the incredible year we’ve had so far, producing 14 issues that surpassed my expectations.

2023 Wrapped

This year has been imperfect and chaotic, and the biggest changes of my eighteen-year-old life have happened within these twelve months.

How are Off The Press articles made?

So far this semester, Off the Press has been getting all kinds of wacky stories, from smart people taking over the world to discovering why Pierce food is bland and that the sky is blue, to stopping spies from other colleges and evil wizards, to celebrating Christmas with Atilla the Duck.

Three cheers for holiday spirits

It’s officially December, so get ready for the onslaught of holiday cheer; it’s about time to talk about the winter holidays.

Beginning signs of senioritis

With the end of the semester approaching, I feel like the senioritis is finally kicking in. I am ready to wrap up classes, take a step back from some clubs on campus, and spend some more time enjoying myself.