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The Stute

Spreading Christmas Cheer

With Thanksgiving behind us and enough turkey, ham, and stuffing in our bellies to put us in hibernation, it is officially Christmas time!

Stress, winter, and procrastination, oh my!

Winter break is approaching, and all I can think about is finals. The majority of Stevens students seem to have an endless list of tests to prepare for, papers to write, and projects to complete.

Take notes from TikTok’s HIV+ community

“TikTok was the first place I had ever said ‘I am HIV positive’ out loud. I could never say it before,” said Marlon Van Der Mark, who was diagnosed with HIV at 20 years old.

What we know about the Omicron variant

As the year comes to an end, it is important to take a moment and recognize the victories we have seen in the United States regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stevens during the World Wars

Through a collaboration between the Samuel C. Williams Library, Stevens Veteran and Military and Connected Services, and the Division of Alumni Engagement, a virtual online seminar “Stevens During the World Wars” was held this past Veterans Day.

Big Tech pushes for national cloud

It’s no secret that the government and Big Tech mix like oil and water (when it’s time for a lawsuit, their relationship more similarly resembles Pepsi and Mentos).