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The Stute

The epidemic of add-to-cart

How much stuff do you have? Not in a hyperbolic, minimalist, painfully sad beige way. But in a ‘when was the last time you even wore that shirt you bought two months ago or used that new gadget you swore would change your life’ kinda way.

The brainwashing of Greenwashing

In the ever-continuing fight against climate change, there is a huge problem that is setting back the efforts of many earth-friendly organizations: greenwashing.

AI and its environmental impacts

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has truly taken the world by storm, and yet, collectively, it is difficult to pinpoint the impact AI will have on the world.

An Open Letter to the SGA and The Stute

This week marked the rollout of SGA’s attempted rebranding of the Gianforte boycott. Already, we’ve seen massive alumni petitions pushing back against this, doubling down by promising to never donate to Stevens.

Lucy: A common ancestor of all humans

An existential question all of us may have wondered at some point or another is “Where did humans come from,” and scientists may be closer to answering this with the discovery of Lucy.

“We condemn Stevens’ LGBTQ+ take back of Gianforte Family Hall”: an expanded boycott from Stevens alumni to withhold any future donations

Dear fellow community members of Stevens Institute of Technology,

As recent graduates of Stevens, we are filled with great anguish as Stevens Institute of Technology’s administration, Stevens’ Student Government Association (SGA), and the SGA’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Accessibility (DEIBA) committee attempt to end the 2021-instituted boycott of Gianforte Family Hall (GFH).

Meet the student openers for Techfest

With Techfest rapidly approaching, there is a large amount of excitement about the arrival of the annual music festival hosted by the Entertainment Committee (EC).

Breaking down the tuition increase for Fall 2024

College is expensive. Every year, the cost of tuition across the country increases, regardless of the institution. Over the past 20 years, tuition has risen between 38% and 56% for national universities.