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The Stute

Have I entered The Magical Girl Genre?

As a proud fan of animation, I have been trying to get all my friends to watch anime. So of course when my old friend finally said to me she started to watch anime, I couldn’t be happier.

Phones in Beijing 2022 Olympics

This week marked the closing of the Winter 2022 Olympic Games, hosted in Beijing, China. To be honest, I’m more of an avid watcher of the Summer Games since they feature more intense races and team-based sports.


The teetering midpoint of the college experience includes… running out of clean clothes before you’ve realized it, begrudgingly admitting sometimes Pierce has better meals than you have time to cook, and realizing you’re far enough in now that there’s no point in not getting your degree.


Celebrations surpassing the scale of those at the 150th anniversary, graduation, and the announcement that snow days would still continue to exist erupted on Tuesday, 2/22/22 at 2:22 p.m.

The economic implications of the Russia-Ukraine Crisis

While headlines the last few weeks have been dominated by the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the tumultuous history between the two nations has long been on display.

The best games I can’t play yet

As a Stevens student, there’s hardly any time to play the games that I would want to play. It’s a struggle we’re all familiar with: avoiding buying a new game because we know we’ll get way too absorbed in it and that it’ll pull us away from our work.

McDonald’s sundaes and puffy jackets

Let’s talk about McDonald’s hot fudge sundaes. A cup of soft serve vanilla ice cream with a generous topping of hot fudge—simple but delicious.

Redefining leadership

Wow. The past week has definitely been a whirlwind, to say the least. I’ve spent a great deal of time just familiarizing myself with the role of Editor, sifting through emails, and just digesting what I’ve undertaken.