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The Stute

Quantitative social science major debuts

As of Fall 2022, the former Social Science major is being replaced by a newly developed major, Quantitative Social Science, or QSS.

Dr. Liu and Dr. Suchow appointed as Presidential Fellows

At Stevens, one of the most prestigious honors a young professor can achieve is to be a Presidential Fellow. A Presidential Fellow recognizes a staff member at Stevens and the achievements of their research and potential contributions to the institution in the future.

The environment hates business majors

This title is entirely clickbait, but in all seriousness, a lot of what business majors are taught works against the environment.


Let me preface this review by stating that I am not the biggest fan of war movies. Now that is not to say that I think all war movies are bad, there are some all time classic movies in the war genre, such as Saving Private Ryan and Apocalypse Now.

The last first month

The month of September flew by, and I didn’t realize until just now that it is the last first month I will have experienced as an undergraduate at Stevens.

Pumpkin carving contest

Wow, that was quick and to everyone’s surprise as to how it got here so fast despite it coming at the same time of year every year (with a 1 day margin of error for leap years), it’s October!

Dear Fall…

Dear Fall,

I love you. You are probably my one and only true love. I love how Hoboken suddenly goes from 70 degrees with the sun beating me down to 50 degrees the next day as you make a grand entrance with wind that creates tears of great joy in my eyes.