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Posts published in “Past Opinion Columns”

How to Save Your Thanksgiving Dinner

The holiday season is one filled with traditions, many of those revolving around food. Think secret family recipes, relatives packed into the kitchen, and dinner seating for twenty.

Democrats must embrace the left

After what felt like an eternity, the November 3 election is finally winding down to its end. Despite baseless claims of voter fraud, it seems that Joe Biden is our President-elect and President Trump is on his way out.

Loungewear I am bringing with me into winter

Temperatures are dropping and even though most of us are spending the majority of our time inside anyways, our style is slowly adjusting to match the colder weather.

SGA Voting 101: Know Your Lack of Rights

If all goes well, this article should be published just days after the 2020 Presidential Election, an event that we can only assume went perfectly fine and the results of which haven’t angered anyone.

SGA Discusses Restructuring; We’ve Got Some Ideas

It only took an entire month, but the SGA finally released a public statement regarding the political upheaval that took place within the hallowed halls of the Senate, when two-thirds of the previous Cabinet resigned in disgrace only to be replaced in secret by E.J.

Stevens Students Test Positive for Curses

Several students have fallen victim to the malevolent workings of Hoboken's resident evil wizard, and also some people got cursed.

The case for a dirt based economy

There can’t be anyone left in this nation who hasn’t heard the innumerable facts surrounding climate change that prophesize our specie’s downfall, so I won’t bother convincing you to care about the most pressing crisis humanity has ever faced (because you shouldn’t need convincing at this point).