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Posts published in “Dear Claire and Ethan…”

Any advice to survive finals?


The end of the semester can definitely be a stressful time. Most of us are already neck-deep in final projects and studying for final exams.

Remember to come up with a question!!!

What are the best spots on campus to hang out?

Claire: Great question! There are so many great places to hang out around campus.

What should I do for Spring Break?


This is my last year at Stevens and I honestly can say that I’ve never had a memorable Spring Break.

Did you enjoy writing this column?


Yes! Writing this column has been a great time. Getting a chance to connect with campus and write weekly about what I’ve learned throughout my three years at Stevens has been a good way to reflect on and appreciate my experience.

Umberto Boccioni

In this week’s Artist Spotlight, I will cover the influential and controversial Italian painter and sculptor Umberto Boccioni. Boccioni was best recognized for leading the Italian Futurist movement in the 20th century, which was a heavily politicized art movement known for its passionate support of industrial domination and the dismantling of social norms and culture which glorified the past.

Help, I hate the city!


Most of us chose to spend four years in Hoboken when we were 17 or 18. At that time, living in a city seems great, everything is conveniently close, there are great job opportunities, and you’ll never run out of things to do.

What can I do if I’m feeling guilty about my environmental impact?


It’s really common to feel a little stressed about the impact your purchases and lifestyle have on the environment. Most of us want to minimize our negative impact on the world by purchasing and living in ways that will leave the smallest carbon footprint.