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Any advice to survive finals?


The end of the semester can definitely be a stressful time. Most of us are already neck-deep in final projects and studying for final exams. I know you’ve probably already heard all the standard advice to create study schedules and avoid cramming. One thing I haven’t heard people say very often, but I still think is important, is that finals shouldn’t be any more difficult than the rest of the semester. I think the reason that people get stressed about finals and pull all-nighters is because we feel like it’s the right thing to do. Media over-dramatizes the importance of final exams, and we’ve been told over and over again that the end of the semester should be stressful. If you really think about it, though, most people don’t have more than four final exams in a two-week period and maybe two or three final projects. Yes, the tests are more extensive than normal and have more weight on your grade, but eight hours a day of studying should be more than enough to prepare; that’s the same as a full-time job. I think that getting so stressed out about those final deadlines makes us less efficient and less confident in our skills. Spiraling about how little time you have and how much you have to do might make some people work harder, but most people crumble under this pressure. I think you should remember that you’ve been working hard for months. Just keep up what you’ve already been doing and take care of yourself. 


Oh boy, it’s that time of the year again! With finals drawing nearer, students begin to flock to the library, spend less time outside than they already did, and disappear off the grid. Finals are always a wonderful time for the social rejects of campus to embrace who they truly are and shut-in. However, for most, finals are not something to look forward to and can be incredibly stressful. When you think about it, everything you worked on all semester comes down to one set of tests to determine your GPA that will ultimately affect your opportunities to be employed at places you want to, but haha, no pressure, right!? But for real, if you need to get through finals, it is best to hunker down and prioritize knowing what you need to know to pass your classes. You will always have friends who will want to go out, either due to them not having finals or not caring about their grades, but it is for the best to prioritize education. I mean, you are here for your degree, right? The best way to get through finals is to try your hardest, but most importantly, pray on the downfall of your peers. If the rest of the class fails, the professor will have to curve the grades so you will end with a decent grade that you totally didn’t deserve. It typically all works out in the end, so don’t get too overwhelmed by it!