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Posts published by “Claire Hannan”

The joy of girl friendships

Now that the semester is ending and I’m about to graduate, this is going to be my last Girl(ish) Talk column ever.

Any advice to survive finals?


The end of the semester can definitely be a stressful time. Most of us are already neck-deep in final projects and studying for final exams.

Female health issues are terrifying

Did you know that your ovaries can just kill you? Like not even just cancer, there are multiple ways your reproductive system can self-destruct.

Are all men bad?

This week, I want to ask the question: are all men evil? Ok, ok, I’m definitely over exaggerating to get your attention; I don’t think anyone would argue that all men are evil.

Remember to come up with a question!!!

What are the best spots on campus to hang out?

Claire: Great question! There are so many great places to hang out around campus.

What should I do for Spring Break?


This is my last year at Stevens and I honestly can say that I’ve never had a memorable Spring Break.

Does the gender ratio affect sports?

I’ve talked about being a student-athlete in this column before and my experiences being a woman in competitive sports. Overall, I have loved swimming at Stevens for the past three years.