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Posts published in “Campus Liberal”

Midterms: A stream of consciousness

I’m going to try to do something a bit less structured this week. No outline, no plan, no goal, just my thoughts on the page.

Don’t vote? Don’t complain.

Those who choose not to vote have no right to complain about any government policy. Those who choose not to vote as a form of protest are choosing to avoid the path towards their goal.

Outraged? I’m barely surprised.

This is an administration that has tried to ban transgender troops from serving in the military. This is a country with less than 60% voter turnout in general elections.

The Trump administration’s internet policy is f**king stupid

On June 11 of this year, the FCC came out with their ludicrously named “Restoring Internet Freedom Order,” which, among other things, repealed the open internet regulations adopted by the FCC just three years ago in 2015.

Freedom of speech is a principle, not an amendment

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees that the government will not censor speech in public arenas. This means that the government can’t kick you out of a public park because of what you say (with some caveats, of course).

True Progressivism in America

Generally, when “progressives” think of corporatists, they usually think of Republican politicians. When they think of people who will cater to their donors’ every whim and not give a thought to the voters’ will, they think of Republican politicians.

Will America choose people or guns?

I was born 27 days before Columbine, one of the most devastating school shootings in modern American history. I remember first hearing about it in kindergarten when my teacher explained to the class why she had to lock the door and cover the windows each morning.

Consider voting for my mom

Many of you reading this may not care about the Justice of the Peace race for District 2 of Washington County, Arkansas.

Wait, are y’all serious?

I must confess: I bandwagon with Democrats and left-leaning people for nearly everything. I march in all the protests, I tweet the trendy hashtags, and I campaign for the people who advocate for the rights of marginalized groups.