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Posts published in “Campus Liberal”

The Myth Of Conservatives Being Silenced On Campus

For a few decades now, conservative students have claimed that they are a minority on college campuses. They’ve insisted that professors are more likely to be disproportionately liberal compared to the general population and that liberal thought permeates through every aspect of academic life.

Automation Will End Our Economy, Unless We Do Something Now

Any day now, Waymo, Tesla, and other worldwide car manufacturers will begin commercializing their self-driving cars. The anticipation couldn’t be more uncontainable for the wired public, which has, in the past decade, eagerly shifted everyday transportation options to a digital platform — Uber, Postmates, Lyft, etc.

Please, Don’t Stop Dreaming

Sometimes I try to remember what I was like when I was six-years old. I picked my nose a lot. At recess, I played ‘house’ with the other first-graders.