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Posts published in “News”

The SGA hosts the freshman senate debate

Twenty freshman senator candidates crowded the front of Burchard 118 on Monday, Oct. 2, for a debate to attempt to convince their fellow classmates why they should be elected to one of nine freshman senator positions available.

Men of Color Luncheon

This past Wednesday, October 4th, Jacquis Watters (Diversity Educator) partnered with Rommel Espinel (Web Services Librarian) to host the second Men of Color (MOC) Luncheon.

KSA hosts Chuseok, “Korean Thanksgiving”

On Wednesday, October 5th, the Korean Student Association (KSA) hosted Chuseok, known as “Korean Thanksgiving” in English. The evening began with a game of Ddakji, a popular children’s game, and then food was served.

Stevens police gets new truck

Between Walker Gym and Babbio Center, Stevens Police has acquired a decked-out Ford F5-50 police truck. Stevens Police received the truck as a donation from the Jersey City Police Department last spring, and it recently went into use, carrying essential equipment including barricades, first-aid kits, and vests.

Fire Near Holland Tunnel Increases Local Traffic

Last Friday, Sept. 29, an industrial building fire caused structural damage to the NJ-139 westbound ramp near the Holland Tunnel in Jersey City, closing three westbound lanes.