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Posts published by “Quentin Jimenez”

New bill hopes to codify Central Jersey

The New Jersey Legislature has recently introduced a bill that would officially recognize one of the most controversial parts of the state, Central Jersey.

New club sport lifts onto campus

A new club sport has elevated itself on campus this semester and they are looking for students to help bolster membership.

Scientists have created human-rat hybrids

While there have been many recent advancements in the field of artificial intelligence, some researchers have been looking into a more eerie form of computing, artificial biological intelligence.

Internet service providers from outer space

Over the past few years, our lives have become increasingly interconnected with technology and the internet. We have learned to live while stuck inside our homes, using phones and computers to order food from restaurants, interact with friends and family, and earn a living.

The benefits and biases of AI image generation

Recent innovations in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology have made image generation much easier. Over the course of the summer, companies like Google and OpenAI, as well as other smaller programming teams, have released access to their attempts at creating an algorithm capable of generating images from text.