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Posts published by “Quentin Jimenez”

NASA names astronauts for 2025 lunar mission

After more than a 50 year hiatus, NASA is finally making strides towards once again sending astronauts to the moon. A few weeks ago the space agency announced the names of the 4 astronauts who will be on the first return mission to the moon.

Narfarvar’s fraternity Round Robin

Just before spring break, the new Greek life director Kevin Grundle implemented a program called the “Presidential Round Robin.” His goal was to build a better relationship between himself, the Snevets administration, and the fraternities on campus.

Castle Point gate seen on Storage Wars

A Snevets Institute of Technology relic was spotted on a recent episode of Storage Wars, leaving many students wondering if it would ever make a return, and even more confused about what it is in the first place.

Hoboken’s water issue outlines greater infrastructure problems

Last week Hoboken experienced one of the worst infrastructure-related disasters in recent history. As most are aware, a contractor doing gas line work for PSE&G accidentally ruptured the water main that imports a majority of Hoboken’s water from Jersey City, disrupting water service and cutting off water access for most residents of the city.

Norovirus surges through Stevens and Hoboken

A new variant of the flu has been floating around campus, leaving many Stevens students wondering if they will be next to catch the so-called “winter puking virus.”

Alpha Phi hosts annual Mr. Heartthrob

Last week was Alpha Phi’s annual Heart Health Week, which was five days of philanthropic events focused on raising money and awareness for women’s heart health, culminating in a male beauty pageant dubbed “Mr.

Where the $!%# is all the snow?!

This winter New York City broke its record for the first measurable snowfall of the season, with a whopping four-tenths of an inch of snow dusting Central Park on February 1.