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Posts published by “Mark Krupinski”

I've served on the executive board for The Stute for 3 years and have written 100 pieces for the paper. Currently, I am the Senioritis columnist.

Ronald McDonald is creating a robot army

The goal of a corporation is to maximize profits. So, how should a business go about this? The fast food industry has an answer: replace its workers with technology.

I’ve heard “Rumors” of a hilarious play

Described as a farce, Rumors builds on unbelievable situations to create a hilarious play. Rumors opens with characters Chris and Ken panicking about Charlie’s, the deputy mayor of New York who remains off-scene for the show, suicide attempt.

Adding some flair to your fall outfit

Let’s face it: neutral color outfits are boring. All they do is scream that you (and your outfit) blends into the norm.

SASE runs an amazing race

On Wednesday Oct. 27, the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE) hosted The Amazing Race: Professional Edition. In this event, players competed in pairs and followed clues to various locations on campus.

The Ethnic Student Council hosts the Olympics

On Wednesday, Oct. 19, The Ethnic Student Council hosted the Ethnic Student Council Olympics to promote unity between the ethnic student organizations as well as learn about each organization’s culture.