The appearance of a third wing of the Gateway building would certainly be noteworthy — if such claims could be substantiated.
The appearance of a third wing of the Gateway building would certainly be noteworthy — if such claims could be substantiated.
I would like to dedicate this article to all of my fellow Ducks who, to this day, do not know the North Tower is really Harries Tower.
Following the success of The Female Orgasm, an “independent organizer” at Snevets announced they will be holding Snevet’s very first Male Orgasm event.
What are the best spots on campus to hang out?
Claire: Great question! There are so many great places to hang out around campus.
Hi, I’m the freshman who is still wearing my Snevets keychain around my neck. I love wearing my dorm key like a necklace to assert dominance over those who have to walk more than five minutes to get to their classes.
Well, folks, as we are all aware, our beloved Assistant Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life, Keben Drunger, has decided to pack his bags and chase his dreams (and all the power to him).
Disclaimer: This article is part of The Stupe and is satire.
Maybe you’re a seasoned professional, maybe you’re a beginner, in either case you will have to learn some basic email etiquette.
Snevets’ campus is littered with countless avian corpses, consisting of more than 35 different unique flattened species.
Despite being well into the 21st century, there have been few significant advancements in performing arts technology. However, senior Music & Technology student Jack Peters has achieved what many are hailing as the biggest breakthrough in the field.