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E-Mail for Dummies

Maybe you’re a seasoned professional, maybe you’re a beginner, in either case you will have to learn some basic email etiquette. In our first lesson, we’ll discuss the two fields right below the “To” field: CC and BCC. 

A carbon copy, CC, is a method of sending individuals a copy of the email and identifying them to all of the recipients without being in the “To” field. For example, when you’re emailing the submission to your professor for a final group project, it is expected that you CC all your group mates (even if Pat did none of the work).

Unlike ‘BBC’, BCC has nothing to do with size or the British. A blind carbon copy is just like a carbon copy except those who are BCC’d are hidden from other recipients, including others that are BCC’d. For example, when sending out casting decisions for “The Office: The Musical: The Experience” it is unbecoming to CC all the talented actors you’ve rejected. They would be very sad. And probably unionize.

Join us in future editions as we discuss how to communicate deadlines, the basics of schedule send, and for an interview with Master Proofreader, Kenald Wilsen. 

Disclaimer: This article is part of The Stupe and is satire.