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Reuse, reduce, recycle: ways to reuse newspapers

As the layout editor of The Stute, I really enjoy seeing students around campus reading and appreciating our print copies of the paper. Although our print publications are an essential part of our operations, I recognize that printing 1000 copies of The Stute every week is not very environmentally friendly. I would like to encourage readers of The Stute to repurpose the print copies of our newspapers so that our collective impact is more eco-friendly.

Here I’ve compiled a list of different ways our newspapers can be reused and repurposed.

1. Gift Packaging

Old newspapers are great for a cheap gift wrapping option. Many decorative wrapping papers have a plastic layer in addition to the paper part which makes it harder to biodegrade in landfills and recycling plants. Newspapers can be used in the same way as wrapping paper to conceal a gift and you can even add some color to it with some markers or paint!

2. Wrap fruit

Did you know that fruit ripens faster when it’s wrapped in newspaper? It’s true, fruits produce the chemical ethylene gas from their plant tissues that causes them to ripen. This chemical gets trapped by the paper further exposing the fruit to it and therefore ripening them faster. It’s similar to the more common paper bag method, but newspaper is just as effective. So if you ever have an unripe banana, avocado, or apple, now you know how to speed up the process.

3. Seed Germination

Newspapers can be formed into pots that are great for growing plants from seed. This is especially a great option for fast growing plants as the newspaper will start to break down after a couple of weeks. The paper actually has nutrients that get absorbed by the plant as the newspaper begins to break down. What’s also great about using newspaper for seed germination is that the whole paper pot can be directly planted in a garden or larger pot when the seedlings are ready. This allows them to experience less transplant shock and gives your plant a higher risk of surviving.

4. Odor Absorption

Everyone experiences it. The funky smell coming from your garbage can or the insistent stench coming from your gym shoes. You can only use so much febreeze to mask the smell, but an alternative option that can in fact absorb the smell rather than mask it is newspapers. Newspapers are a very practical and effective natural deodorizer due to their absorbent properties. You place them at the bottom of your trash can or crumple them up and stuff your shoes.

5. Crafts!

If you know me, you know I love crafts and newspapers are just another medium for all things paper. There are so many project ideas out there such as woven baskets, scrapcooking, paper mache, wall decorations, and paper beads. The opportunities are really endless and it just takes one quick search on Pinterest. 

The Stute serves a great purpose in sharing news with the Stevens community, but at the end of the day, I know that many copies get thrown out when they still have so much purpose left in them. I hope I was able to inspire some ideas and bring out the DIY in you.

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