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Three ideas for getting artsy during quarantine

I’ve begun to notice a common trend for myself while I’ve been in quarantine: the more bored I get, the more crafty I get. There’s a ton of little projects that I’ve seen on Instagram or Pinterest that I’ve saved in the past and said, “Oh, I’ll do that when I have the time.” And now that I have the time, I’ve been keeping busy with all sorts of artsy activities. I thought for my column this week I would share a few of my favorites, so hopefully, you’ll come out of quarantine with some cool souvenirs as well!

1. Magazine Collage

This has been a favorite of mine for quite some time. They’re so easy to do, but they end up turning out so beautiful. For the one pictured above, I used an old whiteboard calendar, though you can really use any paper or cardstock you have around! All you have to do is take a stack of magazines and cut out any pictures or phrases that you think are interesting. Then, arrange them in a pattern, and glue them down. You can make it as simple or as complex as you want. I’m really pleased with how mine came out, and I made it using only materials that I had in my house. It’s a nice addition to my bedroom that I think adds some color.

2. Creative Organization

I feel like everyone has something that needs to be organized, but we’ve been putting it off for a while. Well, now’s the perfect time to get started! I’d been putting off organizing my earring collection for a while, and it wasn’t until I was scrolling on Pinterest that I saw the perfect solution — using ribbon! It was super easy and ended up looking really cool, so I definitely recommend looking for some creative ways to organize things in your home. It could really help spice up the space!

3. Old-Fashioned Scrapbooking

In the days of online Shutterfly where everything can be constructed virtually (for a steep price, of course) I think people have forgotten how fun it is to scrapbook. I decided to start a four-year scrapbook. I split up the pages according to how many I would use per year, and I just completed the freshman year pages today. It was super relaxing to carefully trim all the photos and organize them on each page. Hopefully, I’ll have time to continue this project for the next few years once quarantine is up!

And that’s all of them! I hope this inspired you to try your hand at an art project during quarantine season. It can suck being stuck at home, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make some cool stuff while you’re indoors!

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