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Top 10 horror movies perfect for dorm movie-night

It’s no secret that college is a scary time in our lives. Between exams, work-load, and the looming threat of finding a job, it’s enough to make anyone shiver. But some of us like adding a little more spook to our days, so I’ve put together a list of 10 movies that are perfect for when you and your friends are in the mood to get scared by something other than midterms. (Scoring is out of 10.)

1. The Ring

Everyone knows the famous scene from this movie about the girl crawling out of the television, but no one knows where it’s from. It’s a really creepy film, one that’s scary without a ton of gore and has some great visuals. 

Levels of:

Gore: 4

Disturbing Scenes: 6

Overall Spook: 7

2. The Woman in Black

This is a super underrated film. It’s a classic ghost story that’s actually pretty creepy and it has Daniel Radcliffe in it. What more could you ask for from a horror film?

Levels of:

Gore: 3

Disturbing Scenes: 5

Overall Spook: 6

3. Mama

Another film no one knows about, but is actually a great watch! It’s about two young girls that get followed by a mysterious being they call “Mama.” It’s super spooky and has some really creepy moments.

Levels of:

Gore: 4

Disturbing Scenes: 7

Overall Spook: 7

4. Friday the 13th / Halloween / Nightmare on Elm Street

Now of course, I’m talking about the classics here, not the awful remakes. If you really can’t find anything to watch, then going back to the OGs might be the way to go. Some of the effects might be a little outdated, but you can’t deny that these are the films that defined the horror genre.

Levels of:

Gore: 7

Disturbing Scenes: 4

Overall Spook: 6

5. Krampus

This one is less a seriously scary film and more of one to watch for fun. If you’re not familiar with Krampus, it’s basically an evil version of Santa that kills children around Christmastime if you’ve been “naughty.” The film is terrible in the best way, and you’re definitely going to get some laughs mixed in with the jump-scares. 

Levels of:

Gore: 5

Disturbing Scenes: 3

Overall Spook: 5

6. The Blair Witch Project

Not everyone likes this movie, but I think it’s a lot of fun. It was the first film that ever used the “found-footage” style of film, and it feels very authentic. There are some really iconic moments and it has a great build-up of tension.

Levels of:

Gore: 2

Disturbing Scenes: 7

Overall Spook: 7

7. The Shining

This movie never gets old. It follows the decline into insanity of Jack Torrence while he and his family stay at the Overlook hotel. There are so many iconic scenes, and with Doctor Sleep coming out in just a few weeks, I highly recommend you sneak another viewing in before the sequel!

Levels of:

Gore: 7

Disturbing Scenes: 8

Overall Spook: 9

8. It (2017)

This movie is really the peak of the scary-clown stereotype. There are lots of familiar faces in the film, including Mike from Stranger Things, and it’s a very well-done film. There’s a bit of gore, but nothing too much and it doesn’t detract from the rest of the movie.

Levels of:

Gore: 7

Disturbing Scenes: 8

Overall Spook: 8

9. Happy Death Day

Overall, this is just a really fun film, a twist on the classic Groundhog Day scenario. It follows a girl who dies every day on her birthday and has to keep reliving the same day until she solves her murder. It’s a fun, college-centered film with some great twists. 

Levels of:

Gore: 5

Disturbing Scenes: 5

Overall Spook: 6

10. A Quiet Place

With Emily Blunt and John Krasinski leading the film, you know it’s got to be good. Based around the concept of not being able to make any noise, it’s a super tense and gripping film. Plus, there’s no need to put on captions if your dorm is loud because barely anyone speaks!

Levels of:

Gore: 5

Disturbing Scenes: 7

Overall Spook: 7

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