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Posts tagged as “volume cxii”

Vivi Bubble Tea: great at its own game

Back home in the Hudson Valley, there’s a small Japanese restaurant in a neighborhood (or whatever the rural equivalent would be) called Apple Valley.

First Epic Rap Battle of Stevens crowns a calculator as champion

Lambda Upsilon Lambda hosted Stevens’ first Epic Rap Battle last Wednesday in Hayden Lounge. The event was led by Joshua Negron who emceed throughout the night as various performers took the stage in character to engage in rap battles.


Everyone gets warned about Senioritis. There are survival tips on WikiHow. There are informative Youtube videos. Look to the right side of this page – yes, even a whole column in The Stute named after the dreadful disease.

Hoboken Bar and Grill


Last semester, I reviewed Mikie Squared, one of those places in Hoboken known more for its drinks and social scene (especially among older Stevens students) than its food.