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Posts tagged as “volume cxii”

Where and how our students cheat

By Shane Quinlan Arlington, Vice Chair of the Honor Board

Note: The opinions expressed in this periodical are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Honor Board or any other entity.

“Ecomodernists” envision utopia—but what about war?

For an in-class exercise, I like asking students: “What’s your utopia?” I tell them that utopias aren’t fashionable these days; “utopian” is generally employed in a derogatory sense, meaning naively optimistic.

Est quod est

As classes end and this semester (finally) comes to a close, I don’t think I could be more happy. Overall, this semester has been my worst to date at Stevens, both academically and mentally.

Letter to the editor

By Stephen Walter

Enduring any length of time at Stevens can give a student plenty to complain about, I have certainly done my share over my four years here.