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Posts tagged as “issue 21”

A Letter from the Honor Board: bring back the proctors

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the Honor Board’s second open meeting. During that meeting, all of the students – regardless of their affiliation to the Honor Board – were in agreement that unproctored exams were no longer working as intended at Stevens.

Dr. Prasad explains why noise matters

Dr. M. G. Prasad, a professor in the department of Mechanical Engineering, held a seminar on Wednesday billed “Why Noise Matters” on the third floor of the Morton building.

Letter to the Editor: Major discrimination

By Billie Haas

There are seven students in Intro to Mathematical Reasoning, a math course reworked specifically for students in The College of Arts & Letters.

Believe it… or not

by Susana Restrepo

In a lonely haze, and with a comfortable amount of money in my card, I made my way into New York City.

The F-word: why wrestling is real

There are less than 24 days until WrestleMania. WrestleMania, for those who don’t know or who write off the professional wrestling industry entirely due to general dislike or irrational hatred, is the “Super Bowl of professional wrestling” — the biggest event in the wrestling industry, and a soon-to-be 31-year-old tradition for WWE.

Wine Tasting in Tuscany

Never in a million years did I think that I would be able to learn all about professional wine tasting. As it turns out, one of the clubs that LdM offers is called the Slow Drink Club and luckily enough, I got to club sign up early enough that I was able to snag a spot in this club!