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Hidden gems of the Hoboken Public Library

The Hoboken Public Library (HPL) contains a trove of books, magazines, journals, and movies free for library cardholders to borrow at their pleasure. Availability extends far further than the limits of the building, too, as items can be borrowed as long as they exist in any branch of the Bergen County Cooperative Library System. But, in an effort to supply the community with more, the library has expanded what can be checked out with the new “Library of Things.”

The Library of Things is a new offering by the HPL that allows cardholders to take advantage of renting items beyond those typically expected to be found in a library. Some item categories offered fall into other forms of entertainment, including video games, lawn games, electronic devices for music, and movies. Others include useful tools, including kitchen equipment and other general tools.

Looking to watch a rented movie from the library but don’t have a DVD player? The Library of Things has you covered with a Sony Blu-Ray disc player. Trying to clean out the inside of your car but don’t have the equipment? The Library of Things can loan you a wet/dry/blow vacuum with all the necessary attachments. The Hoboken Library continues to add to the Library of Things from suggestions through their email:

While the HPL has only recently adopted this feature and is still building up its collection, many other libraries have already established a Library of Things of their own. The Union Public Library, for example, has over 70 items in its collection, with some of the most interesting being an electric guitar, a portable butane stove, and an iron for clothing.

The HPL offers much more to its library patrons. Daily events are hosted in the building for children, teens, and adults. This past week, the library has been partnering with the Hoboken Community Center for a food drive to help families in need in Hoboken. Weekly events are also hosted at the library, including an American Sign Language class, a Yoga and Mindfulness class, and more. This month is also National Poetry Month, and the HPL is celebrating by hosting poetry events, including an Open Mic night on April 30.

The library offers a Makerspace as well, in which staff host classes and collaborative projects. On Mondays, they offer Open Time for people to come in and ask for technology assistance from the staff. The room itself contains multiple 3D printers and other machines that can be used by cardholders.
If you are interested in acquiring a library card, the process is relatively easy. If you are a resident of Hoboken, then you only need to fill out a quick form, which can be found at the library or online through the library’s website. You will also need some form of ID as a Hoboken resident. Most reading this are not Hoboken residents but currently work or attend school in Hoboken. In this case, when filling out the form, you must also include a letter from an employer showing proof of employment in Hoboken or a letter from the Office of Student Life showing proof of enrollment and rooming assignment. A library card is completely free, and the savings on books and other items can really add up in the end.