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Posts tagged as “featured”

Can science and faith coexist?

First ever Stevens Veritas Forum hosted on Wednesday

It was Wednesday, February 5, 2014, 9:00 p.m., and a full capacity Babbio Center 122 – it was the first-ever Veritas Forum at Stevens Institute of Technology, and the topic at hand could not be more controversial: can faith and science coexist?

Super Bowl XLVIII hits Hoboken

The city of Hoboken has had its good share of press in recent times. Between all the coverage of Sandy and the current investigation set off by Mayor Dawn Zimmer’s allegations of corruption in the Christie administration, Hoboken has done a good job of keeping itself in the public eye.

Ducks compete at MSG Grapple

Wrestling overcomes rivals NYU in 25-7 victory

After Thanksgiving, most of us have probably sauntered immediately over to the couch, patting our portly bellies and slipping into a groggy nap.

Where to eat during Finals Week

It’s that time of year again. No, not Christmas. (Unfortunately) It’s finals season! Like last semester, finals have returned to wreak havoc on our mental stability, sleep schedules, dietary habits, and social lives.