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The Stute

We should all be that bus driver

As my senior year is coming to a close, my last few pieces will focus on bringing the senior class together with what we can do together.

Tár: an unreliable narrator (My Favorite!!)

I like to think I’m pretty well-versed in movie genres. I’ll watch pretty much anything and, although I may not enjoy everything I watch, I can always appreciate it.

Tragedy and football

The story of Reichen Posey is one of deep sadness and extreme hopefulness. Posey found football as an escape from the tragedy that struck him at such a young age.

Donald Trump’s indictment


Former President Donald Trump is charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. An indictment was released on Tuesday, April 4, detailing the charges against him.

How science communication has changed

The year is 1665. At this time, most of science writing is contained in two mediums: writing letters (called the ‘Invisible College’ of letter writing scientists), and writing books.

I bet you can’t

It’s getting to the final stretch of the semester where motivation is inevitably waning. I bet you can’t do the assignment you have been putting off.

When deception is the key to trust

We all were raised not to lie. Lying is bad. We have been taught that way since we were children. A unique paradox exists between telling a lie and speaking your mind.

Stevens Baseball swept by Misericordia

Originally scheduled for Thursday, April 6, the pair of baseball games against Misericordia University were moved to Friday, April 7, due to projected inclement weather.

Our new website

Now that we’ve dotted the last “i” and crossed the last “t”(much to its dissatisfaction), Off the Press is excited to announce our new website is up and running and ready for a mad dash of traffic.