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The Stute

Kappa Sigma brothers receive Scholarship-Leadership awards

In true Stevens fashion, members of Kappa Sigma have shown the drive and success that only Stevens students could display and proven the leadership of the Stevens Greek community as well with ten members being awarded  Scholarship-Leadership awards by their national headquarters.

Stevens awarded ADVANCE grant

The National Science Foundation, or NSF, is responsible for a lot of great doings, much of which impact all of us.

Ducks compete at MSG Grapple

Wrestling overcomes rivals NYU in 25-7 victory

After Thanksgiving, most of us have probably sauntered immediately over to the couch, patting our portly bellies and slipping into a groggy nap.

‘Tis the season to learn terminology

The holidays are (almost) here, which means that the end of the semester is even closer. As final projects, papers, and presentations are constructed, written, and presented, and now that classes have officially concluded, a lot of time is opening up for many students and faculty alike; and rightfully so — it’s been a long semester.

MGC hosts 3 v. 3 basketball tournament for typhoon victims

The Multicultural Greek Council hosted a 3 versus 3 basketball tournament Wednesday, December 4, in the Schaefer Athletic Training Center in an effort to raise money for typhoon victims in the Philippines.

Looking back at 2013

As the semester comes to a close with the last day of classes, so does the end of 2013. In this issue, you’ll find our Year in Review feature, which highlights major events at Stevens during the past year.

RHA hosts Grocery Bingo with junk food and ramen galore

“Yes! Bing – oh, not 37.”
“Oh, come on!”
“I got it! I got it!”
These were just but a few of the many different responses students had to this week’s “Grocery Bingo” on Tuesday and Thursdays nights at 9:15 p.m.

And then there were none

We all have our “To-Do” lists. We may not always have them written down, but even the least organized of us at least has some idea of what needs to be done in the immediate future.